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Brisket Smoking: Fat Side Up Or Down? (Pros & Cons)

There's one question that seems to divide people when it comes to smoking meat: should you cook brisket fat side up or down? Most people do have a preference for cooking beef brisket. Some swear by the fat side down, while others can’t imagine anything better than juicy slices of beef with the fat side up. And some take the middle road and rotate their brisket as it cooks. We'll take a look at all of these methods and explore the pros and cons of each way to cook.

The Best Way to Cook a 100% Grass-Fed Steak!

100% Grass-fed meat is from cows that are pasture-raised on grass, from start to finish. They are rich in good fats and managed sustainably. Compared to conventionally raised meats, which get little or no exercise, it's leaner and there is true muscle integrity in the meat. But leaner doesn't mean tougher. Cooked more gently, grass-fed meat is juicy and tender.

Grass-Fed Red Meat Is a Superfood

Red meat could be one of the best foods in an individual’s diet or one of the worst. The key factor is what the animal is eating. Naturally, cows eat a near 100% green diet of grass, flowers, shrubs, and other wild vegetation. Grain feeding is genetically incongruent for these animals and leads to excessive weight gain and fat accumulation.

Why Is Grass-fed Beef More Expensive?

For someone who hasn’t purchased a lot of grass-fed beef before, the prices can look hefty compared to conventional beef. After all, shouldn’t grass-fed beef be cheaper anyway? Grass-fed cattle farms don’t have the additional expenses of so much grain, antibiotics, or confinement buildings.