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"Unbelievable! The New Government-Backed Food Pyramid Proclaims Lucky Charms Healthier than Steak!"

written by

Mike Ferguson

posted on

July 19, 2023

Hold on tight! You won't believe what went down in the shadows of September 2022 - a groundbreaking conference at the White House that had nutrition, health, and hunger as its star attractions. Trust me, it was a blockbuster event, and you probably missed it like the rest of us! The mastermind behind this extravaganza was none other than Dariush Mozaffarian, the self-proclaimed nutrition guru, also known as the Dean of the Tufts School of Nutrition (Drum roll, please!).


What's the big deal, you ask? Well, get this: they unveiled a brand-spanking-new food pyramid that's guaranteed to blow your mind! And get this, folks, it only cost us three years of our precious time and millions of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Yes, that's right—we all funded this jaw-dropping revelation! So, what's the golden nugget of wisdom they unearthed after all this time and moolah? Get ready for it... Lucky Charms are the superheroes of health, beating out that boring old steak. Move over, beef!

Don't believe me? Well, buckle up, because the Tuft Food Compass doesn't lie! Lucky Charms soared to an impressive 60 points, while ground beef struggled to hit a meager 26. Poor beef steak didn't fare much better, just barely crossing the 30-point mark. Bravo, Lucky Charms, You've officially outshone the beefy competition! But wait, there's more! The cherry on top of this absurdity is that chocolate-covered almonds—yes, the sweet treats—scored a whopping 78! So, move over beef, Lucky Charms, and make way for chocolate-covered almonds—the new health darlings!


The cherry on this Lucky Charms sundae is the claim that this revamped food pyramid is the pinnacle of scientific excellence! I mean, who needs peer-reviewed studies when we've got this enlightening chart, right? Just like how Congress declared pizza a vegetable before, now we've got our answer: Lucky Charms are health food! Who needs leafy greens and protein-rich beef when you can munch on rainbow-colored marshmallows and sweet, sweet chocolate-covered almonds?

But wait, there's more! Brace yourselves for the grand finale: this quirky food pyramid is responsible for shaping the diets of school kids! Let's just overlook all those other factors contributing to America's obesity epidemic and blame it on this ludicrous chart. Because, you know, it's not like our eating habits and lifestyle choices play any role in our well-being.

So, there you have it, folks! Lucky Charms have vanquished the steak, and chocolate-covered almonds have become the new superfoods. Who needs a pot-o-gold when you can have a bowl of marshmallow magic, right? Give us more of this whimsical "science," and we'll be fit as fiddles in no time! eye roll.

Give us a steak instead.  Read our recent blog to see the 6 Surprising Nutrition Benefits of Grass-fed Beef - Read Blog

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