The Solution
posted on
April 16, 2023
#1. Farmers Must Lead The Way
Other farms will feel called to action as more farms adapt and adopt greater transparency with their on-farm production and share their experience. When more voices promote the message of regenerative farming, more consumers will hear it.
As more consumers vote with their food dollars for regenerative meats, efficiency grows and cost improves for a larger number of people
#2. It Will Take Customers Who Care
A single farmer cannot feed the globe, but they can feed their communities and gradually spread their reach. We are well aware that we are only here today because of our customers. Every day, customers vote with their food purchases for the food system they like.
We will continue to share our message, write emails, and actively pursue clients around the country who want healthier food, ethical animal treatment, and a healthy planet
#3. We Can't Wait on the Government
This movement must originate on Main Street, USA, rather than on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Farmers and consumers challenging themselves and telling others one person at a time can achieve large-scale change.